Doubt is the shadow cast by faith cs lewis
Doubt is the shadow cast by faith cs lewis

doubt is the shadow cast by faith cs lewis

He then adds to his argument a very important point, that the Christian view of literature must be that attitude of excellence. He writes, "The rules for writing a good passion play or a good devotional lyric are simply the rules for writing tragedy or lyric in general " He goes on to use a typical Lewisian styly argument by discussing a Christian cook book, "Boiling an egg is the same process whether you are a Christian or a Pagan." The question he seems to be answering is, "What is Christian literature?" His main argument is that the rules for good literature are the same for both Christian and non-Christian. He read this paper to a religious society at Oxford fairly early in his Christian walk. Lewis here writes about Christianity and literature, specifically what is Christian literature and how does it differ with secular literature. Christian Reflections and Other Essays Allen Adam Christianity and Literature

Doubt is the shadow cast by faith cs lewis